Information about seborrhea (CE-BO CREAM)

Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands in the dermis.
The inflammation occurs mainly in the areas of the face and head, but can also be seen in other areas of the body that are rich in glands, such as the shoulders, upper back, ear areas, armpits, and groin.
The main symptoms of seborrhea are itching and skin irritation, red rash, peeling and the appearance of scales in the affected areas.
In the scalp area, dandruff often appears in the form of powder because it is very sensitive and sometimes dandruff forms in the affected areas.
In the scalp area, dandruff is often seen in powder form because it is very sensitive and sometimes dandruff is also accompanied by itching.
Sovereign diseases have varying degrees of severity from the simplest form to the most active when you can see oily and shiny skin.

The disease is usually a family disease and its appearance is also affected by environmental factors such as fever and humidity.
You can see that the disease is more common in men than women.
Seborrhea is aggravated in winter, in stressful situations, and in adolescence.

The incidence of the disease:

About 15% of the population suffers from the disease, of which about 5% suffer from the disease in its severe form.
About 50% of those affected are boys from the age of puberty.
The disease occurs in infants from infancy to 1 year of age and from adolescence, and is very common at 25 years of age and over.
The disease is very rare in children from one year to puberty.
The onset of the disease can be observed in people older than puberty, since during this period hormone secretion increases and this increase affects the sebaceous glands, increasing their activity and secreting milk on the surface of the skin.

Existing treatments:

Possible drug treatments include antifungals, which prevent yeast from growing in the mammary glands. In most cases, it is a shampoo or ointment treatment.
A seborrhea condition can also get worse without treatment, but it is a chronic condition that cannot be avoided but is well controlled with proper treatment.
In more severe cases of fading, preparations can be administered as oral therapy with appropriate supervision.
Steroid therapy with topical creams can help calm local inflammation, but may hasten the next exacerbation due to possible damage to the immune system. Therefore, the application should be as short-term as possible.