Information about (ZEMA-3)

Eczema (Hebrew: stocking, foreign languages ​​ECZEMA) is a very common skin disease and the skin’s reaction to various conditions: external and internal

Symptoms of the disease usually included a rash, irritation, pimples, blisters, and sometimes swelling in the skin.
There are many people who suffer chronically from eczema and you can often see it in infants, but usually the eczema disappeared before they even reached school.

Usually, eczema causes the skin to appear red, dry, and itchy, and sometimes more severe, causing crusting and cracking of the skin.

You can often see the spread of eczema on the face and extremities, but it can also appear on other areas of the skin.

Types of Eczema:
You can see a number of different types of sickness socks:
1. Contact with eczema: contact eczema caused by various injuries in the impact itself is ineffective. In this type of eczema, called among housewives, it is the eczema that damages hands and arms and the main source is frequent contact with cleaning products.
2. Allergic contact dermatitis: This type of diagnosis of eczema through patch tests performed when wetting a suspect piece of cotton material and associated with its contagious compression compresses the skin. The result should be available two days after the start of the test.

3. Eczema Milk: Milk eczema is a sock that rattles in people with dysfunctions of the sebaceous glands, skin and leather. Smnoni.akzmh This usually occurs in people after the Hbgrot. This type of eczema can occur in response to a seborrhea-type disease.

4. Eczema is contagious; Eczema is contagious and is considered socks that appear as a reaction to bacteria or fungi on the skin. This type of eczema is common in people with ringworm feet.

5. Infant Eczema: Eczema of this type occurs in infants and starts from the cheeks and spreads to other areas from there.


Eczema usually presents with the following symptoms:
In many cases of eczema, itching occurs before the rash appears.
• You can see the appearance of the skin, which is itchy patches, dry patches of skin usually thicker areas slightly more.
• The patches commonly appear on areas of the hands, neck, face and legs. Children can also see spots in the areas of the knee joints and elbows.
• Itching can lead to the appearance of lesions. Hmtcsim crusts.

Eczema usually presents with the following symptoms:
Like asthma, the eczema phenomenon tends to run in the family from the Ldor generation onwards. It is a specific group of people where people tend to have extra sensitive skin and there are also environmental romans than stress which can lead to an attack of eczema.

Eczema can also be caused or aggravated by contact with trigger factors. These are substances that are used daily, such as

• Wool fabrics and synthetic fabrics
• Soap and other materials that dry the skin.
• Heat and sweat.
• Dry skin can make existing eczema worse.

Eczema can also occur in the body’s internal response to psychological stress and tension.

What are emotionally charged events, such as moving to a new job, can lead to a new outbreak.
You can usually prevent eczema from breaking out or reduce its severity by doing one of the following simple things:

• The use of materials to keep the skin moist.
• Avoid sudden changes in temperature or humidity.
• Avoiding sweat problems or overheating.
Relieve stress and tension.
• Avoid contact with substances that stimulate itching, such as wool fabrics.
• Do not use soaps, detergents or harsh solvents.
• View foods that cause you to trigger and avoid the disease